Closed Groups
Sex Addiction Closed Groups
Charlie runs a 130 day 'Facing The Shadow' closed groups (two groups a week for the first 40 days, then one group a week for the last 90 days) that he co-facilitates with a clinical social worker, which focus upon breaking the destructive cycle of compulsive sexual acting out. Please contact me for details.
Love Addiction & Love Avoidance Closed Groups
Together we offer closed groups aimed at educating clients on the destructive patterns of love addiction and love avoidance - whose processes invariably get entangled in one another in toxic relationships. This also entails helping clients to improve their self-awareness; to promote informed decision making, whilst also empowering them to learn the necessities of self-love in recovery. Please contact me for further details.
Together we offer closed groups aimed at educating clients on the destructive patterns of love addiction and love avoidance - whose processes invariably get entangled in one another in toxic relationships. This also entails helping clients to improve their self-awareness; to promote informed decision making, whilst also empowering them to learn the necessities of self-love in recovery. Please contact me for further details.